I'm Leanne.
I understand, better than some, what it’s like to feel isolated, helpless and completely at my wit's end while trying to be a good parent. It's one of the loneliest feelings: to want to help your child through their pain, but have no idea how or where to start.
That's why at Head to Toe, I believe in empowering parents with the tools to help their children, as well as creating space for them where they’re safe to ask for help.
I have used everything that I learned on my own journey to create a selection of treatments and sessions focused on alleviating pain and creating calm in the lives of my clients.

Helping parents get through the day
After working with parents over many years, I have learned that they have one thing in common: they all want the best for their children. None of them want their kids to struggle. But many also struggle with feeling like they are overwhelmed and don’t have time to do everything.
I understand that the challenges of parenting are ongoing, and sometimes you just need the right tools to help you get through the day.
So what I have created at Head to Toe is a business that empowers parents with the confidence and support they need to no longer feel overwhelmed or isolated.

I have been in the natural therapies industry since 1997. I started my journey with massage, however after seeing many of my clients come back week after week with similar problems, I started thinking about the effect of the mind on the body, and how our thoughts are so very powerful.
My children’s needs were what brought me to massage therapy, and the therapies I used evolved as my children grew and had different requirements. Then as I saw the girls not coping with emotional/social situations, I looked into modalities to support all of our emotional wellness. I tried many different avenues but settled on using EFT and Flower Essences, due to their simplicity and effectiveness.
For many years I practiced the therapies as a side gig, but when I found myself on my own with the girls I needed to make a decision about how I was going to make a living. So I decided to throw myself into it, and it has been all that I do for many years now. This has given me the chance to help many, many families.

Help your family from Head to Toe
If you are wanting to find out how these things can help your family too. Follow this link to message me for your FREE 15 Minute Clarity Call.