Joy of Life
Is there someone in your family who tends to see the negative in everything. They are not able to look about and see the things that are going well, the successes they have had. They tend to expect things will not go their way. You know the cup half empty people This is where the Joy Of Life Blend is amazing.
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Flower Essences in this blend:
Borage – an uplifting essence that provides courage, confidence and strength. It will help you to overcome difficult times.
California Wild Rose – will help to boost enthusiasm and feelings of warmth toward others. It will also increase apathy.
Gentian – helps with persistence, confidence and faith. Great if you feel disheartened or self-doubt. It will also help you to see setbacks as opportunities for growth and strength.
Mustard – lifts gloom and despair. If you feel depressed or low without reason or if happiness and joy feel impossible.
Zinnia – brings joy humour and playfulness into life. For those who take themselves too seriously or are a workaholic.